Orion's Septempber 7th notes

some sites have their own proprietary meta data (meta tags). ie: Facebook, Twitter. diectory structure - Will vuild website on won computer, When you feel comfortable sharing it you,
Javascript is responsive needs to work with everything
Typescript -
SQL - a way of asking questions
PHP - used the most on the server side
Mongodb uses Json on the client server
Cloud platforms
JQuery - advanced javascript
Node.js - run JS off a browser
Angular - Javascript that connects to the cloud using the mvc model; advance system to connect a cloud
next.js - like node
ASP.NET - proprietary to microsoft - need to go through them for many things.
WordPress -
Poeple hire for Frame work skills
Docker - to contain your site on the cloud
asynchronous - does not involve chronology.
Unix is very important to know
Ubuntu is a flavor of UNIX, ubuntu doesnt crash, very good to know. Can be read on thumb drive. BULLETPROOF
tech world constantly and rapidly changing and growing
Taking a linux is encouraged,
The world steps aside for the person who knows where they are growing
Semantic Divs

• Anything that starts with & and ends with ; is like a code
Every emoji has a code
• Block means its on its own space
• Attribute called display: block; ----- this happens to be what an h1 is
• CSS= Specification and presentation of the html
• 3 ways to access element: tag name, Id's, class
• Id's cant start with number or special character, can't be a word in the language, no two of the same id, no duplicate id's, Id's are case sensistive, you can start an ID with an underscore(_) also.
• If it begins with an underscore than the id means it has something to do with the environment.
• Class can be used on more than one element.
Inline tag designations have precendence

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